Only Change is Real, Rocky Fork Creek
Holding onto the earth against all odds and lessons about our change, unavoidable obstacles, and the way of Grace.
Connecting with the land, it’s history, and aspects of myself in the White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Important lessons learned in desert ecosystems, White Tank Mountains Regional Park
A Suite of Images and Haiku Foreshadowing Spring
A Suite of Images and Haiku Foreshadowing Spring
Visiting Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest for the Global Earth Exchange 2023
Honoring the survivors in Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest as part of the Global Earth Exchange organized by Trebbe Johnson and Radical Joy for Hard Times
Listening to the Land on the Bartram Trail at Scaly Mountain
An invitation to listen to the land while hiking on the Bartram Trail to Scaly Mountain near Highlands, NC.
Listening to the Land, Bartram Trail from Wallace Branch to William’s Pulpit
Images from the section of the Bartram Trail from Wallace Branch to William’s Pulpit
Purity of Being Shines Through Flowers in Spain as They Say Yes to Light
This blog contains some black and white images of columbines, calla lilies, other flowers and grasses from the Jardin Botánica Marimutra in Costa Brava, Spain. Though I did photograph many images in color as well, these struck my heart due to the way they interacted with the light, and also because of their beautiful lines. Appreciating beauty is a radical act that we could all benefit from doing more. Beauty instills our hearts with hope.
Early Spring Wildflowers on the Bartram Trail
We discovered several bloodroot flowers on our hike on the Bartram Trail from Wallace Branch to William’s Pulpit the other day. This one was particularly lovely, so I made a soft image with focus stacking to connect with the heart of the plat and its energy. Bloodroots, or Sanguinaria Canadensis, are considered to be sun worshippers, as they bloom when there is little shade in the forest. Bartram was enamored with these flowers and sent them to his European patrons. Though their roots are poisonous, they are sometimes prescribed as headache remedies and stimulants in small doses.
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