Platinum Palladium
My deep connection with nature has led me to spend much of my time kayaking on waterways, wading in swamps, or hiking in forests and along mountain ridges. Beyond noticing grand vistas, which one cannot help but appreciate, I am drawn to impromptu still life compositions and the way the light illuminates the ordinary and makes it extraordinary.
After years of documenting the threats to our environment and our waterways in color and in a more documentary fashion I realized as an artist I was not fully expressing my emotions regarding what was happening. For cathartic reasons and to strike an even deeper chord in my viewers, I decided I needed to interject more of my own hand into my work.
Platinum and palladium are precious metals, so this medium seemed perfectly suited for images evoking how invaluable the natural world is to our survival. The luminosity of these metals also helps convey the spiritual realm I believe is embedded in the natural world.
Water fall
Image 2
Tree trunk
For information on how to acquire limited edition platinum palladium prints, click here.