The Light Streams Through

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Light Streams Through

The Light Streams Through


Darkness can never form a solid wall.

Cracks always let some brightness in.

The sun shines on earth to aid in growth,

and two sides of the road are still one path.

Black and white dissolve into shades of gray,

while the crowns of trees gently bend and touch.

At the end of my vision, genus is not discernable.

I always thought fog obscured my ability to see,

but this morning while walking my dog Takoda

on the same dirt road amid the same vegetation,

a different type of fog rolled in and cocooned me.

The stifling blanket the pandemic brought lifted.

In a breath, the channel changed from film noir

to gossamer veil and I became whole once more.

With rooted feet and lifted heart, I walked down

this rural aisle under a nave of living branches.

Might I become a bride of life and channel light?

I paused and looked up understanding at last

that instead of dimming my view of the world

the ambiguity of fog is a vessel for illumination. 

It fills in the interstitial spaces, connects the floors

of our consciousness and makes the web visible.

There are 60,000 different species of trees on earth

And though identifying them benefits conservation,

The real knowing is the unknowing of separation.





Rhododendrons-Nature's Gift in All Times


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