Two New Black and White Images of Views from the Trail to Blackrock Near Sylva
View from Blackrock
A couple of weeks ago I went on a Bio Blitz tothe Blackrock area off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Sylva. Right before a storm came, I took a chance and hiked quickly to the end of the trail to Blackrock, which opened out on this incredible vista and made this image. The contrasts of light and dark and the looming glads made for a great deal of drama. I couldn't stay long as thunder was rumbling.
Illuminated Dying Tree with a Storm Looming
Somehow I missed the storm, which did pour down on some members of our group that were ahead of me. Suddenly the light came out again and lit up this tree, while the storm clouds that had caused the rain receded into the distance. See the stark contrast of light against the darkness reminded me that there is always hope even in the midst of storms.